
The decisions that you make with regards to your land and timber should be based upon sound field data collected by Forestry professionals. Whether you require a detailed inventory and appraisal of your forestland for a land transaction or simply wish to know the current value of your timber assets on the open market, Henderson Forestry Consultants can assist you with your needs.

Using the most modern timber inventory techniques, software, and equipment available, HFC Foresters can tailor our methods of inventory to accommodate the needs of any landowner. From the data that is collected in the field, to the manner in which this information is processed and presented, we can provide you with a report that reaches any depth of detail that your objectives require.

Our standard inventory services include:

After compiling, processing, and analyzing the field data obtained from your property, we can generate detailed summaries of our findings. These reports can include any combination of information that is required to make determinations pertaining to a timber sale or any other facet of forest management. An example of one such report would be:

Having access to an extensive database of year-round pricing information pertaining to timber sold by region, HFC has the ability to provide you with the accurate and affordable information you need to make the best decision for your property and timber.

Contact HFC today for a free, no-obligation estimate for an inventory and/or appraisal of your timber today!