Boundary Line Maintenance

Locate and Mark Property Lines

Under the NC Landowner Protection Act of 2011, purple paint can be used to mark property lines to “post” property boundaries, establishing them legally as No Trespassing Areas. Let Henderson Forestry Consultants help you provide you with legal protection from trespassing and liability concerns by professionally establishing and maintaining your property boundaries with purple paint.

Why Purple Paint?

Landowners who want to post their lands can experience difficulty keeping posted signs standing and intact. Using paint as an alternative or in addition to signage to mark property lines is recommended to establish their location more firmly prior to any forest management operations taking place within them. Posted signage may be moved, destroyed, or vandalized far easier than painted trees. Additionally, purple paint marks typically outlast signage and require less maintenance and cost. Painted property lines should be professionally maintained every 5-8 years on tracts that contain actively managed forest stands.

Benefits of establishment and proper maintenance of painted property lines:

History of Prescribed Burning

The deliberate application of fire to a landscape has been used for many hundreds of years. The practice, now known as prescribed burning, was used by Native Americans to manage their forests. Fire allowed Native Americans to keep their forest’s understories clear of excess deadfall and leaf-litter, which prevents wildfires and lessens both the intensity and severity of fires that do occur. Additionally, fire allowed them to maintain low browse-lines for herbivorous game animals, and clear understories, allowing for unobstructed travel and line-of-sight – a practice still implemented in the modern day by many forest managers with interests improving wildlife habitat or hunting.

For many in the modern day, the notion of fire being present in a forest carries with it a negative connotation. Contrary to the assumptions of many, prescribed fire is exceedingly beneficial to the environment and wildlife species and remains one of the most important tools at a forester’s disposal.

Benefits of Prescribed Fire